Love’s Last Call

“Apostasy in the Church” - Part 2 (Tares Disguised As Wheat)

Carol Ann Caster Season 65 Episode 2

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As Apostasy grows more prolific, without a doubt we are bearing witness to the Hand of God separating the Wheat from the tares in readiness for the catching up of God’s redeemed ones, before the Tribulation Period unleashes God’s Righteous Wrath upon an unbelieving world. And in our waiting, it has never been more urgent than it is now for the people of God to be standing firm - with unwavering conviction upon the solid Rock of His unadulterated Word of Truth and Life – and to be contending for the genuine Faith that has been woven with the Scarlet Thread of Salvation’s Promise into the Tapestry of Eternal Life by way of the Blood of the Messiah of God – Yeshua Hamashiach!

For as the “One World Religion” of the Antichrist takes shape, it is drawing many into its web of death and destruction, as it prepares the world for the Global Empire of the Antichrist – making it all the more necessary for those who have been “born again” of the Spirit of the Living God to remain alert – and informed – as we test every spirit to be certain it is of God. (1 John 4:1)

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