Love’s Last Call

“Timeline of the Beast System” - Part 4 (Step By Luciferian Step – Almost There!)

Carol Ann Caster Season 64 Episode 4

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As the Holy Spirit leads us in this effort, it will not only to solidify the reality that there is without a doubt a “One World Order” that has been pushing forward down through the ages and leading to its complete formation – which the enemy has been purposed to create since the moment pride entered his heart and he became determined to usurp the God of Creation and rule in His place. But more importantly it offers stark confirmation to God’s Prophetic Word of Truth that has clearly revealed to us that there will be a Global Empire in place during the Tribulation Period. 

And as we follow the timeline leading to this revisited “Tower of Babel” it becomes very clear that we are only prophetic minutes – and even seconds - away from its final completion. Which means that in spite of the mockers who challenge the nearness of His Coming – the Rapture of God’s True Church is very near – even at the door!

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