Love’s Last Call

“Lucifer, UFO’s & The Rapture of God’s True Church” - Part 3 (Our Blessed Hope!)

Carol Ann Caster Season 63 Episode 3

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To accept the Biblical proof that the Pre-Tribulation “Rapture” is a true Scriptural Doctrine, is not only confirming the “Blessed Hope” that glorious event will produce for the “Born Again” children of God – but more importantly it is acknowledging the shed “Blood of Jesus Christ” – the Son of God and the Great I AM – and the sacrificial payment for sin’s death that it purchased.

In other words, it is not that I “want” to believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture because

it gives me encouragement that I will not have to suffer the horror that is about

to come upon an unbelieving and sinful world – it is that I “DO BELIEVE” in my Savior, Yeshua Hamashiach – Jesus the Messiah – with undying confidence that He has already paid the price for me - in reconciliation oneness restoration with the Father in Heaven!

In this Podcast, we give Scriptural evidence that underscores that confidence with undeniable assurance that our “Blessed Hope” is a Divine Reality that will be

realized for the Blood-Bought children of God – and very soon!

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