Love’s Last Call

“Lucifer, UFO’s & The Rapture of God’s True Church” - Part 2 (The Alien Deception)

Carol Ann Caster Season 63 Episode 2

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From the beginning, Satan has been trying to replicate or annul God’s work and sow seeds of confusion in mankind’s relationship with Him. False religion, or false doctrine mixed with some tainted truth, has been Satan’s constant ploy. This is why there are so many denominations and cults under the name of Christianity.

Once the true followers of Jesus Christ have been removed from the earth via the “Rapture” event, the restraint on lawlessness will be removed. We already know from the Book of Revelation that a One World Religion will develop, which will control the government and the economy.

As this Global Antichrist Empire grows closer to its completion, in readiness to serve the Man of Lawlessness in this worldwide tyranny, the Holy Spirit is raising up His Watchmen on the wall to sound the alarm – with the call for His Holy Remnant to be grounded in His Discernment and Truth – and to contend even more earnestly for that Truth while there is still time to do so.

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