Love’s Last Call

“New Age, Ecumenism, & The One World Religion” - Part 3 (Brick Upon Brick)

Carol Ann Caster Season 62 Episode 3

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Since the beginning of time, the enemy has been orchestrating the many components that would finally converge, in formulation of this Global endeavor through which he would gain the worship of the world that he has lusted for since the moment he served at the Throne of God.

In Chapter 17 of the Book of Revelation, we learn of a Woman who rides the Beast.

She is the Religious Harlot who will serve the Antichrist in his Governmental and Economic control over all people on earth.

The garments of this adulterous woman are woven with every false way, and deadly counterfeit, with the thread that connects each piece being made of the “New Age” philosophies and darkened mindset that lures the deceived ones into the false promises of godhood and elevated illumination. 

In this Podcast, we look deeply into the ecumenical efforts of the enemy that are preparing the world – and much of the Church – for the Antichrist’s One World Religion, and his global reign which will overtake every man and woman who has been left behind after the Rapture of God’s True and Holy Remnant.

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