Love’s Last Call

“New Age, Ecumenism, & The One World Religion” - Part 2 (False Unity on the Rise)

Carol Ann Caster Season 62 Episode 2

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We are at war – a spiritual war that has already been won in Jesus Christ the Great I AM – but which is still being played out as His final purposes are being fully accomplished in complete manifestation of all He has promised will be. And as this spiritual war is being waged – there are natural wars that are the outflow of this demonic combat – with Israel at the heart of this prophetic warfare.

And as wars and rumors of wars confirm the prophetic Word of God, the other precursors that Scripture has alerted us to, are converging together – and making way for the “Global Empire” of the Antichrist – which Scripture has also alerted us must and will become a reality just prior to the glorious Return of Jesus, His final Victory over all that is evil, and His majestic millennial reign as King of kings, and Lord of lords.

As time spirals us toward this Prophetic reality – the enemy who is orchestrating the demonic realities that are taking place behind the scenes of every natural occurrence on the earth, is vehemently purposed to take the place of the One True and Only God of all Creation. And from the moment pride entered his heart, he has been formulating a myriad of counterfeits that are woven into his darkened kingdom of lies and deception. And which are all part of his agenda to create a “One World Religion” through which he will gain the worship of all people on earth – with the exception of God’s “born again” holy remnant which will have been raptured to meet Jesus in the air prior to the Tribulation Period in which all remaining prophetic events will take place.

It is time to be informed – it is time to be ready!

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