Love’s Last Call

“Tares Among Us” - Part 4 (The Not So New “New Age”)

Carol Ann Caster Season 61 Episode 4

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New Age practices in the Church are on the rise. To understand what is meant by “New Age” it is basically a combination of metaphysical beliefs, spiritual techniques, and ancient rituals that have become popular in Western society over the last few decades.

They often involve a mix of Eastern Mysticism, Neo-Pagan religion, and occultism. These practices tend to focus on personal transformation or enlightenment by tapping into universal energies or developing psychic abilities.

Frighteningly, many of these occultic practices have infiltrated the Church and are being taught to unsuspecting Christians – (many of whom are really Christians in name only) - as being part of their faith. 

Some of these “New Age” practices may appear to look innocent – but it must be understood that even the most innocuous practice is backed by Satan and his intention to keep as many as he can, entangled in his lies and falsehoods. 

In this Podcast, we expose several of these demonic practices with a call for the legitimate children of God to contend even more earnestly for the true Faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. (Jude 1:3)

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