Love’s Last Call

“Tares Among Us” - Part 2 (You Will Know Them By Their Fruits)

Carol Ann Caster Season 61 Episode 2

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We must not forget the heart-trembling passage in Matthew Chapter 7 where Jesus warns that not everyone who says to Him ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven – but he who does the Will of His Father in Heaven.

The company of pretenders Jesus addresses in that account gave Him a litany of the many things THEY did in His Name. And as we study the Word of God, line upon line, precept upon precept, a little here and a little there - as we are instructed in Isaiah 28:13 - we quickly realize that these acts were not the works of the Holy Spirit that Ephesians Chapter 2 reveals were already prepared before the foundation of the world for a true believer to walk in – but rather man-centered and haughty attempts to exercise the Power of God for their own prideful purposes

Jesus then tells them – “I never knew you, depart from Me you who practice lawlessness” – wherein lies the confirmation of unrighteous motives of these imposters – for the Greek rendering for the phrase “you who practice lawlessness”

is “ergazomai” from the root word “ergon” which in the negative sense and in opposition to the “works of God” means “to perform with the intent of personal gain.”

These are the “Tares” among us – and in these last minutes of the Last Hour, the Holy Spirit is alerting us to be on guard! And to “Not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.” 1 John 4

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