Love’s Last Call

“The Lamb’s Book of Life” - Part 1 (Eternal Life’s Passport)

Carol Ann Caster Season 60 Episode 1

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To have one’s name written in the “Lamb’s Book of Life” outweighs anything that holds any temporal value in this world and its fleeting vanities and carnal enticements. It is an eternal reality that strengthens the heart of a child of God with equipping power to face all of the obstacles, trials, and difficulties that are coming against us in this critical hour in the earth, and which are accelerating as the Prophetic Word of Truth unfolds before our very eyes.

There are eight references in the New Testament to the “book of life,” and two of them refer specifically to the book of life that belongs to the Lamb of God, Jesus the Christ.

In this Podcast, we will cover all eight, as well as, delving into the Doctrine of Predestination which while being disputed by some, is clearly confirmed in the Holy and inerrant Scriptures of the Bible. 

We will find that when looking to God’s Word line upon line, precept upon precept, a little here and a little there, the doctrine of Predestination becomes very understandable without compromising the free will of man, or in any way presenting the Lord God as being unfair. For He is All-Knowing and Perfect in all His Ways! And His Love and Mercy endure forever!

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