Love’s Last Call

“The Great White Throne Judgment” - Part 2

Carol Ann Caster Season 59 Episode 2

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Revelation 20:12-13 records John’s vision of the Great White Throne Judgment of God. The books that are opened at this dramatic and heart trembling event contain the records of everyone’s deeds, whether they are good or evil. God knows everything that has ever been said, done, or even thought by every person who has lived on the earth, and anyone whose name is not found in the Lamb’s Book of Life will be thrown into the Lake of Fire to join Satan and all his demons.

I believe it is safe to say that many who name themselves “Christian” do not really understand, nor do they embrace how great the Love and Mercy of the Lord our God is. Neither do they fully comprehend the magnitude of the Love-endowed Blood Atonement Sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Savior, and how much it cost Him to pay for the penalty of death our sins deserved. 

Salvation is taken so casually and irreverently, when it should cause the heart to tremble at the Holy Wonder of what the Lord God has provided through His Beloved Son in Eternal Life ransom of fallen man’s hopeless fallen condition.

In these last Prophetic minutes on the earth, God’s Watchmen on the Wall are sounding the alarm to awaken and pay attention! For Jesus comes quickly! 

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